Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March...So Far

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We had the leprechauns visit us this morning at home. They left their footprints, gold chocolate, and pretend gold coins.
Later the leprechauns came to both of our classes and left everyone some gold.

After school, we made green french toast and Hayden frosted his own shamrock cookies.

I made these ritz cracker mint patties on Monday and shared them with my co-workers today. Nobody guessed that I had used crackers--some people even thought that I had decorated the girl scout thin mints (thanks for the great idea, Danika).

This is a similar idea to the patties above. This time I put green frosting between the crackers before dipping them in mint chocolate (plus I added the sticks before dipping, too).

Of course we had to make shamrock cookies with green frosting and sprinkles.
Last weekend, Dan and I tried out "Eggs in the City," a local favorite restaurant downtown. I have to say, the omelet was pretty good (and I'm pretty sure Dan liked his breakfast burrito).

Ya, I'm kind of a dork (I think even more so now for using the word dork). I just had to have a pic with me taking a bite.
We also visited Build-a-Bear last Saturday...neither of us had ever been there before. Hayden picked out a dog (he is half dog afterall, so no big surprise there).
Here's his dog getting stuffed. Hayden got to press the petal, plus he continued to push it after his dog was done and got stuffing on the guy who ran the machine.

Hayden got to put a heart and a shamrock insided his dog.

Washing and fluffing "Giba" (yep, that's what he named him) after he was all put together. We also picked out a collar and a leash for the doggy, too.

Bye-bye Build-a-Bear. It was a fun experience!

In the spirit of the recent distribution of girl scout cookies (and because Samoas are Dan's favorite), I decided to try out this bar cookie that is supposed to taste similar to the Samoas (I hope I'm spelling it right). They tasted good, but still different from the actual cookie...I guess nothing beats the original.
The Safe Kids Fair

A few weekends ago, we went and explored the Safe Kids Fair at South Towne Expo. It was free (can't beat that), and Hayden had fun. Can't you tell what a stud he is on the motorcycle I had to force him to sit on (yes, I really did have to force him).

Hayden is much braver than me...I had very little desire to touch this white python, but I knew that Hayden would like it.