Monday, June 29, 2009

More Summer Fun!

Today we went and checked out Cowabunga Bay. It was fun, but Hayden didn't enjoy going down the waterslides. Luckily I was able to convince him to stay, and he ended up having a great time in the pool and the lazy river.
Hayden and the girls (Gracie, Hayden, Zaria, and Zeta). What can I say, my kid's a little stud!

On Saturday we went up to Layton and visited with some of the fam. Here are Luke, Ryan and Hayden playing with the chalk, and drawing streets for the toy cars.

Since Luke just turned 2 (yay!) Hayden gave him his birthday present.

We hit a pretty big milestone this last week. Hayden finally had the courage to go on the carousel, and ride one of the animals all by himself. I'm proud of you buddy.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Our Backyard

I am kind of wishing that I had taken some before pictures of the yard...just think tall weeds and dead grass. Last summer I had the white vinyl fencing put in, but I couldn't afford to put the fencing in on the side with the shared yard. This year I killed/pulled weeds, layed out the landscape fabric, put down the stones, had playground woodchips put in, and I even planted a few flowers in pots. Oh, and last year Bob put in a door from the garage to the yard so that I can access the yard without having to walk through the front yard. We also put together the slide, trampoline, and swing. Fortunately, I had picked up the sandbox and some of the patio furniture off of ksl last summer, so at least I had something to start with.

Summer...So Far

Enjoying some outside time with Sophia and Gracie. It's nice to use our backyard now.

Playing at the aquarium with Hayden's "girlfriend" Abby and her little brother Ty.

"Two little love birds sitting in a tree"--and that's as far as this song goes (thank goodness). Hayden and Abby at the park.

Here he is getting ready to kick the ball in his soccer class. Notice how I am not on the receiving end--Hayden's a great kicker!

Checking out the cute animals at the farm! We just can't get enough of Thanksgiving Point.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Circus Days

Yesterday and today was "Circus Days" for Hayden's preschool classes. Above is a pic with his friend Abby squirting water in the Duck Race.
Hayden and the girls! From left to right--Zaria, Paige, Gracie, and Hayden

I didn't have to dress up as a clown (oh, darn!), but I have days where I dress pretty funny anyway. This picture was taken by little Miss Zaria.

Here is Miss Jenny, the preschool director (Gracie took this picture).

Crazy Miss Paula! I only recognized her because of her glasses.

Zaria and silly Miss Kristen. I can't remember which kid took this picture. Most of these pics in this post were taken by the kids.

Here is Hayden with his buddy Isaac. Yes, he does have friends that aren't girls.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hayden's Program

Last night was Hayden's preschool program--it was a combination of all the 3-year-old classes. He did such a good job and he actually sang this time. My heart melted when Hayden did the occassional wave at mommy, and then told his friends (during the program, of course) "There's my mom."
He loved sitting next to his friend Jordan. Hayden has become quite social this past year.

The them of the program this year was the four seasons. I'm sure you can guess which season Hayden is representing.

Here he is posing with some of his friends who watched him during the program (Ashlyn, Hayden, Paige, and Megan).

I was lucky enough to get Hayden to hold still for this picture. This was right after the program, and he really wanted to go back to his classroom for some reason (probably to play with the toys).

Fun At Work

So now that it's getting to be the end of the school year we have the opportunity to get a little crazy. Yesterday was crazy hair/accessory/sock day. For anyone that's known me for a long time, you probably know that it doesn't take much arm twisting for me to dress up (think disco attire, tutu, and boredom all mixed together). Some of you may even recognize the glasses--they've made the occassional appearance throughout the past 15 years. I didn't go crazy with my hair because I had to look semi-normal later on for Hayden's program, but I did have some crazy socks (think Pipi Longstocking). This pic above was taken with Tiffany and Brianne from first grade.
Last week was our Jogapalooza or "fun run" to raise money for our playground/PE equipment. I just love getting paid to run! I ended up running with kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and my enrichment class in the afternoon. I did the math and I think I ran about 6 miles that day. It was tons of fun and the kids had a blast (plus we met our fundraising goal). We really put the "fun" in fundraiser, right (total inside joke for anyone who saw my stint on Channel 5 back in the day).