Friday, June 5, 2009

Circus Days

Yesterday and today was "Circus Days" for Hayden's preschool classes. Above is a pic with his friend Abby squirting water in the Duck Race.
Hayden and the girls! From left to right--Zaria, Paige, Gracie, and Hayden

I didn't have to dress up as a clown (oh, darn!), but I have days where I dress pretty funny anyway. This picture was taken by little Miss Zaria.

Here is Miss Jenny, the preschool director (Gracie took this picture).

Crazy Miss Paula! I only recognized her because of her glasses.

Zaria and silly Miss Kristen. I can't remember which kid took this picture. Most of these pics in this post were taken by the kids.

Here is Hayden with his buddy Isaac. Yes, he does have friends that aren't girls.